Sunday, August 9, 2009

blog #2 - Learning 2.0

If our students are “digital natives”, then why is it so difficult for schools to understand that this is a new learning style? The ways in which we teach need to be adapted to reach this type of learner (which is theoretically everyone). Unfortunately in the traditional school environment students aren’t engaged with their learning. They come to school, play their part, and then go home, often with little understanding of what the learning objectives where that day. Whether teachers like it or not it is paramount that student are able to connect with their learning and find it relevant to their lives.

In this digital age students are more stimulated outside that classroom than in. They are constantly being bombarded with information from the T.V., Internet, and cell phones. Most of this information often has an audio/visual element to it and students are able to interact with the info. No wonder they aren’t interested in reading the social studies textbook on Ancient Rome. What happens for many students (who are not naturally intrinsically motivated) is they become disconnected with school and learning. Then their teachers put this stigma on them as unmotivated. This is our responsibility now to motivate them in a way that is relevant to their learning culture, not ours.

In the following video it discuses the idea of using cell phones in the classroom. I know in my school there is a big push to ban the use of cell phones from the classroom. We even spend time discussing what the new rules and punishment should be for offenders of this rule. I understand the principal behind many teachers disdain for cell phones in school. What they lack to understand is that in our student’s culture the cell phone is as necessary as a pencil was to them when they were in school. Instead of taking away this tool let’s find ways to utilize it. Be creative!

“These teens were born into a digital world where they expect to be able to create, consume, remix and share material with each other” (Pay Attention Video). Technology allows this to happen rather effortlessly. Lets use a blog for example. Instead of keeping a paper journal to write reflections on the days learning use a blog. With this digital tool students know that it isn’t just going to be their teacher who is reading their thoughts and ideas, it will also be their classmates, maybe their parents, or even a professional in the field they are studying. This will provide opportunity for discussion that will take their learning way beyond any single objective. When they are writing their journal they will also have the option of adding visuals that to help represent their thinking. Videos could also be added as resources to further enhance their understanding.

The time of the institutional school system has ended. Schools need to be redesigned so that students are learning beyond the walls of the classroom. Lets start providing students with opportunities that will motivate and engage then in learning. No more “blocking the future”; rather embrace it, reinvent it, edit it, manipulate it. The traditional ways of doing things aren’t irrelevant or even worthless. They just need to be redesigned with new things such as Web. 2.0.


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