Sunday, March 14, 2010

MAC WK 2 Blog 3 - Reading Compassion

Two cows are sitting in the field. One cow says to the other, “What do you think of this mad cow disease?” The other cow looks at him and says, “What do I care, I’m a helicopter!”

It is easy to get caught up in taking ourselves too seriously. There are serious things that each of us deals with. Work, school, relationships and many other things force us to responsible and move forward with strength and certainty. Although it is necessary to take things seriously, especially ourselves, it can also overwhelm us as people and become an obstacle to us in our humanity.

Rule number 6 – Don’t take yourself so seriously. This one and only rule helps us to move beyond our calculating self and move toward a centered self that seeks to find joy in others pleasure and fulfillment rather than our own survival. There is a selfishness and supremacy that comes from taking ourselves too seriously. This is not only damaging to us but also to the world around us. It can ruin the relationships that we all depend on in order to succeed. The calculated self keeps us in isolation solely focused on our own survival. Our survival cannot be maintained independently. We are a part of a whole. In order to find that freedom we seek for ourselves we must lose it by giving it away to those around us. It is in this compassion for others that our selfishness is found to be useless, and in cooperation with others we can attaint what we need by not taking ourselves too seriously.

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Bianca Woods said...

Your cow joke reminds me of one of my favorite jokes I learned as a kid:

There's a pink penguin and a blue penguin and they're sitting in a bathtub and the pink penguin say to the blue penguin, "Pass the soap," and the blue penguin say to the pink penguin, "What do you think I am? A toaster?"

There is something delightful in the completely random non sequitur.

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