When things don't go my way my immediate reaction is to complain and point out all the bad things that are happening. I complain about why it is everyone else s fault but mine, and that people should have listened to me. This immediately puts me in an even worse mood and doesn't open up for the opportunity for redemption. I need to learn to just be with the way things are so I, and the people around me can move forward.
Why are we (me) so preoccupied with how the way things should be? I see this in schools all the time. Teachers complain about how the administration should be, how students should be, and how parents should be. This type of thinking is so detrimental to the health of the school building. It keeps everyone from dealing with the real issues because everyone is focused on how everyone else should be and not dealing with the way things are. Lets embrace the way things are and learn to deal with and work through the situation we are in and then we will have the freedom to progress and move forward.
I have found myself in a similar rut for the past 4 years. I am not sure how and when it started, but recently have been moving away from the feeling of having to be right all the time and be the one who solves all the issues, sometimes even when nobody is interested in my opinion. If you are like me, I am most frustrated when the people don't care what I have to say, or when I am asked my opinion and it is not even considered. In the end, for me, I am learning to share when asked and hold my tongue when not asked. I want to be confident enough to allow others to ignore me all together and not have it affect my feeling about myself or my capabilities.
You are moving is a good direction. Keep you head up and continue to work toward a solution. It may be a while before anything moves, but at least you are focused in the right place.
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